The steps listed below are designed to help to plan your study and write your evaluation

Most important to remember is to begin early and get started. If you allow yourself the time to plan, study and write, then revise and edit your work, you won't need to hurry. After you've begun, you'll also have something you can work on.

Step 1 - Be aware of the task of assessment

Before you begin your assessment ensure that you have read the assessment question or task and comprehend what you've been asked to complete. It will help you narrow your focus on your study.

Step 2 - Plan

The way you plan to answer the assessment question or task can help you stay focused and help you write your assessment simpler. You'll have a framework to followand ensure that you are completing the question correctly.

Step 3 - Do your research

The next step is to research your subject and locate relevant and reliable sources of information. There are a few in your course materials as well as suggested readings, but you may also consider:

The Open Polytechnic Library

online sources

Talking to experts.

Step 4 - Write

Then it's the time to begin writing.

First draft

Draft your first draft according to your outline. Complete the inconsistencies by making your main points clear for each section.

Write as you please. Write as much as you can, without stressing about whether the words are 100% correct.

It is possible to begin with the conclusion to ensure you are aware of where your writing will take.

Don't start the introduction until the end.

Do not spend too much time trying to perfect this draft because it is likely to alter!

Fine tune

Revise your draft and make sure it makes sense and contains everything it must.

Make sure you have the right wording and ensure that your writing flows smoothly.

Keep multiple versions of the drafts in case you might want to refer back to them later.

Create your bibliography or reference list.

Step 5 - Review

When you're satisfied, take time out. Take a break so that you can review your work with a fresh set of eyes. Edit and proofread your work.

Take a look at the bigger image

Did you answer the question you were asked? Review your work in relation to the marking schedule and the question.

Does the structure follow correctly? Does the content flow logically?

Have you completed all the relevant elements? For instance, your title page, the introduction, the conclusion and list of references?

Does your evaluation read smoothly and flow effortlessly from one section to the next? One way to test the quality of your assessment is by reading the assessment loudly.

Have you written the words of your choice and all of your sources?

Does your evaluation look professional?

Make sure you check the information.

Have you ever used academic English (if required)?

Make sure you check the grammar punctuation, spelling, and grammar. Do not rely on a spelling checker (it will not pick up every word).

Check your referencing. Is your APA referencing correct?

Are your pages numbered?

Do you have your name, ID of the student as well as the details of your assessment and the date on every page?

Tips - If you can you can ask a friend or someone from your family to read your work because it is difficult to spot errors in your work.

After you're satisfied, submit your evaluation.


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